Services Style Two

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Industry Certified

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High-Performance Solutions

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Managed XDR (MXDR)

MXDR is the most advanced threat detection and response available today. It builds on previous generations (like MDR and XDR) to increase protection across your attack surface. Leveraging human and machine analysis, it provides 24×7 monitoring and detection, rapid investigation and mitigation, and expert threat identification and hunting.

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Fusion Center/ Next Gen SOC

Your organization has adopted innovations that change how you operate. But has your security operations program kept up? Just treating symptoms isn’t sustainable. Instead, it’s time to mature and elevate your security operations via innovation that has the right balance of people, processes, and technologies to reduce risk, optimize spending, improve maturity, and most importantly,

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AppSec Assessment

Software vulnerabilities. They’re still a huge target for attackers. Even after leveraging regular testing, code reviews and the best scanning tools, your security team may still be struggling to find and remediate vulnerabilities. And this puts your organization at risk.

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Identity Governance and Administration

As enterprise cloud adoption continues to soar, the notion of protecting a network’s perimeter just doesn’t cut it anymore. The new cloud-based reality requires an equally novel approach to ensure that the right users have the right access to the right systems, applications and data.

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Identity Advisory Serivces (Identity Services)

Identity and access management (IAM) refers to the people, processes and technology used to create, manage, authenticate, control and remove the permissions a user (internal, external or customer) has when working with an organization’s technology resources. IAM helps manage user interactions and decrease the chances of a cyber incident launched through abused credentials. Common components

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Digital Access Management

Running a thriving business means ensuring that those who need to access your system resources (including employees, partners and customers) can do so in a seamless way for them and a secure way for you and your data. However, you aren’t guaranteed to meet these requirements without a centralized view or control over applications and

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